You must know how much you need to eat. When you feel hungry, you must realize that your body needs food. If you can follow your instinctive signals, you can maintain a healthier weight with no restraining diet and being obsessed over every bite you intake.
Possibly you might fail to recognize what hunger is all about or may have ignored it for quite a long time or may have blamed hunger for your weight issues. May be you have associated hunger with reasons like dullness, pressure or delicious food.
Similarly, you may have no idea on what fullness is all about and you keep on eating till you’re overstuffed. May be you completely clean the plate; never waste food without even thinking that you are completely full.
Hunger is an inborn way to easy weight management
- You will eat when you are eating for the sake of satisfying the physical hunger. Just Think of it. If you are not hungry when you start eating you will obviously stop when the food is gone. Isn’t it?
- If you are hungry, you will undoubtedly choose a food that nourishes you. In case you are not hungry, you will prefer to eat cookies, chips, chocolate, or other snacks citing reason that you are sad, crazy or happy.
- Food you consume tastes better when you are hungry.
Have faith in your Instincts
Every time you feel like eating, ask yourself if you are hungry. This will help in differentiating between an urge to eat because of physical need from an urge to eat because of head hunger.
You might experience symptoms like low energy, growling, gnawing, hunger pangs, or instability. But always bear in mind that hunger is physical and not a desire, or a lure.
Thought of the day:
- What signs of hunger do you receive every day?
- What feelings do you associate with hunger?
- What kind of physical activities you do apart from eating when you’re not hungry?
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